The Digital Path Identity Crisis: How To Never Burnout While Working On Your Online Business — Become A Creator-Catalyst

Ian Pierre
7 min readMar 18, 2024


The ultimate solution to eliminating self doubt & distractions in your digital business

Wake up, do the asks that move your business forward, get distracted by other business models, change “niches”, doubt yourself, repeat

This cannot continue → There’s a better way..

You’re stuck in the same bubble, day after day

You decide to focus on one business model because it’s lucrative

You get started with it and you make progress

Then you see a different lucrative business model and wonder..

“Should I do that instead?”

Or you see countless business models, but you can’t find one you like

All while you’re afraid to pick one you like, because what if you lose interest and then you’re stuck in a niche that does not connect with the audience you built

Sound familiar? I bet it does

What you’re experiencing is something I like to call “Digital Identity Crisis”

First you need to understand the thing holding you back, is your frame of mind

Your limiting beliefs are deciding your future for you → Erase them

Imagine for a second, you enjoy writing articles

Imagine for a second, you’re passionate about doing admin

Imagine not being stuck to a single topic or niche

Imagine not worrying about shiny object syndrome..

Because all the shiny objects are in your area of expertise

Imagine not worrying about what’s going to happen to your audience..

Because you know the majority of them will follow you everywhere

Imagine never “pivoting or burning out”, because your business is YOU

And now, I will show you how..

Step 1 — Become A Creator-Catalyst

When people think social media brand, they think “Niche or Industry”

An organization that does one specific thing, to solve one specific problem

And this organization is usually run by one specific person

What most people think, is that this person is the organization

This is what you most likely believe

They are not. They are the catalyst for it, but not the purpose of it

A creator, is just that, a creator

A catalyst, is a powerful influence on something’s creation or development

A creator-catalyst, is the fusion of the 2

Let’s look at a real life example

Elon Musk is the catalyst for Paypal and Neuralink, and X..

But the creator of SpaceX and Tesla

When some says the word “SpaceX”, people immediately think “Elon Musk”

But they are not thinking that because Elon IS SpaceX

They are thinking that because SpaceX IS Elon

He is a Creator-Catalyst

He is not stuck to a specific niche or industry..

But instead creates the solution to a problem, creates an organization around it, then moves on → Whether he claims ownership of that organization or not

Elon is the perfect example of a business philosophy I hammer on — Being Nicheless

And remember, without him, those solutions might not have existed

This is exactly why the solution he created IS HIM

Now ofcourse, not everyone has 44 billion dollars to acquire a company

But you don’t need to. You can do what Elon is doing, with nothing but an X account, a Gumroad account, a Paypal account, a Notion account, and a video call software

All of these software are free

If you like the depth of this information, this article is the introduction to one of the courses in my coaching program “Digital Philosopher University”

10 Spots are full for this month, but you can join the waitlist here

1.1 How To Become A Creator-Catalyst

Forget about your niche → Become nicheless

Instead, pick 3 broad topics that include all your interests and skills

Now under those 3 topics, pick 3–5 skills you want to learn or have already learned

Now turn those skills into 3–5 projects

A project, is a business model you’re working on, by learning it, producing results with it, then turning it into a digital product..

You can further advance this to coaching and consulting services based on the business model

For example..

Project: Web-design

Business model: Landing Page Building

Digital Product: Landing Page 101

Consulting: Landing Page Strategy Call

Coaching: Sit With Me 1 on 1 As I Teach You How To Build A Landing Page

Do this 3–5 times → At all times, have 3–5 projects you’re working on

Remember, you do not have a niche, you have a set of skills that can be turned into projects

If you don’t have skills, then develop them using online courses, YouTube videos, and coaching

Now you have 3–5 projects you’re working on, meaning you will never feel like you need to change “niches”

Because you no longer have a niche, you have topics, skills, and projects

“But Ian, what do I post on X?”

3 posts a day

  • 1 personal take
  • 1 opinion or insight
  • 1 project based tip

As for comments..

Make them laugh or teach them something valuable related to their post

Do this 10–30 times a day → guaranteed 5–30+ new followers a week

Congratulations, you now have 3–5 services, 3–5 digital product ideas, and a content strategy that is guaranteed to work (some posts will flop, this is part of the process)

If you’re interested in building a 90% automated creator business using this method, you can checkout my article called “The Nicheless Creator” here

Step 2 — Welcome Transformation

Over time, your topics will evolve, and as a result your projects, skills, content, and services will change → Don’t panic, this is supposed to happen

Your mind is transformative

The more we learn and experience, the more we change

No single human being stays the same their entire life

And for an entrepreneur learning new skills is normal

As time goes on, you will gain new perspectives and skills

New perspectives turn into your passions changing

That’s okay, now your projects can change or expand as you see fit

As a result, you will never feel stuck to one place again

Self-doubt happens, because you want to stick yourself to one industry, topic, or niche

As a human being, there’s nothing natural about this

It’s better identify where you want to be in 5 years from now, and based on that, decide your 3 topics

And the 3 topics decide everything else, as previously discussed

Step 3 — Advance Or Learn The 2 Most Valuable Skills

Product Development

To sell something, you need something to sell

Assuming you’re not going the affiliate marketing route, you need to know how to develop a digital product that makes sales, WITHOUT an audience

Because not everyone has 30,000 followers on social media, and even if they do, it doesn’t mean those 30,000 followers are trained buyers

Instead what you need to learn, is how to borrow or exploit the traffic system

I teach you a full masterclass on digital product development, and how to make sales (I made $2000 doing this), without an audience here

3 things you can sell → Affiliate products, Digital Products, and High Ticket Services

I go into detail on selling each in my article “The 3 Digital Career Paths That Can Replace Your 9–5 In 3–18 Months” here

Direct DM Sales

To sell services and digital products, you need to know how to sell

Instead of giving you a DM script, I will give you a framework

It works, and it’s not going to get saturated because a bunch of people used it

Instead of using crappy methods, my framework is based on human psychology (I closed $1200 clients and built a 263,000 follower network using it), get it here

Step 4 — Decide If You Want To Scale

If you’re offering a service, eventually you’ll want to hire a team, get appointment setters, get closers, and turn your little project into a fully fledged agency

But should you do that? If you’re having no trouble getting clients and hitting your revenue goals, why would you want to scale?

Scaling means increasing your workload and making more money, but at the cost of your own sanity..

Of course, there are streamlining methods you can use to reduce problems, but every agency owner I talked to says the same thing..

“I’m so busy putting out fires all the time, that I barely have enough free time to enjoy the money I make”

Following this business model, means not worrying about that

I know guys with 2 employees making over $100,000/mo using this business model

Yes, it took them years to get there, but they didn’t have this article

When it comes down to it, scaling is all about your personality

These are instructions: Answer the following 3 questions truthfully

  1. Do I have enough money to live a fulfilling life?
  2. How attached am I to money?
  3. How good am I at handling high stress environments?

If your answers were:

  1. Yes
  2. Not much
  3. I’m bad

Then you don’t need to scale

If your answers were:

  1. Yes
  2. Very
  3. Good

Then scaling is not such a bad idea

In the end, if you have enough money to do whatever you want, then there is no reason to scale

I release in depth educational articles on business, personal development, and writing like this one every week -> Read the original article here



Ian Pierre

Writer and Marketer of 3 years. Get weekly deep dives into business, personal development, and writing ->