How To Learn Any Skill In 30 Days, While Actually Being Better Than Others At It — The ISGCE Learning Framework

Ian Pierre
8 min readApr 29, 2024

The framework I used to learn all my business skills in the last 2+ years

Learning is inevitable

You spend every waking moment of your life experiencing things

From those experiences you pick up understanding

From that understanding you form your own knowledge

That knowledge gets turned into solutions to problems

Solutions turn into long term memory

Then the next time you encounter a problem..

You go through your mental library..

And use the solution you came up with

But there’s one problem..

This process can take a very long time

Without consistency and mental discipline..

You won’t learn anything

You will spend months sucking at something..

Before you become average at it

And even then, your progress will be minimal

The more complex the skill, the harder it will be to learn

Learning to jog is easy

Learning how to jog at a competitive level is difficult

Anyone can learn how to jog..

Not just anyone can run a marathon

Sure, you can try to figure it out on your own

You can struggle over, and over, and over

Until one day.. You hit a switch

Or maybe you don’t hit it at all

Why? Because not all skills are easy to learn

Some require years of study and research..

Or they would, without a system

Your current learning system is natural..

But sometimes man made things are better

This is one of those cases

Because of the distractions in the world right now..

People suck at learning

Ironic, since information has never been this easy to come by

So how do you take advantage of the digital information age..

To learn skills much faster than you normally would?

By using the ISGCE Learning Framework

  • That means no more mindlessly scrolling social media
  • That means no more worrying about learning skills you don’t have time for
  • That means no more worrying about staying consistent with it
  • That means most problems can be solved by learning a skill yourself
  • And of course, this also means building a business while not hiring many people

This framework will teach you how to:

  1. Learn new skills
  2. Keep learning them consistently
  3. Learn them much faster than previous skills
  4. And condition your mind to turn them into enjoyable activities

Now, let’s begin with the first step in the framework

Step 1 In The ISGCE Learning Framework — Identify

To learn a new skill, you need something to learn

A new skill can be anything you’d like to master

Even niche based skills can be learned using this framework

With 8,000,000 people on the planet..

There’s a 99% chance of someone already teaching the skill you’re interested in

But to identify a skill you need to do the following:

1.1 — Categorize

In what category does your skill fall?

Depending on where it falls, the educational material you will need might differ

Most categories can be found on YouTube for instance, so keep that in mind

By dividing a skill into a category, it gives you the ability to..

1.2 — Find authority

Who are the people teaching this skill, that you know can be trusted

What are their achievements? What is their track record?

There are many posers in digital education..

So when you want to learn from someone, research them

Visit their website, look at their products, read their emails

Authority is established through experience and results

If you cannot find results, then don’t trust this person

But if you CAN find results and credibility..

Then this person can be trusted when it comes to education

Step 2 In The ISGCE Learning Framework — Stockpile

Your ability to learn, is attached to your ability to manage resources

Only by finding the best resources, and making them easily consumable..

Can you consistently learn something, without distraction

2.1 — Gather

First thing you need to do in the 2nd step, is gather resources

After going through step 1 in the framework, find every educational resource this person has produced

Then take that resource, and stockpile it

Meaning, put it all of it in one place

Then you need to keep adding people and their produced resources

Build a stockpile filled with valuable resources

Videos, articles, free courses, breakdowns etc.

Anything that you can use to learn this new skill of yours

And remember, you can learn multiple skills at once using this method

2.2 — Habitize Your Learning

Tiktok, YouTube shorts, Instagram etc.

All of these have 1 thing in common

Watching these is one of your habits

To turn learning into a habit, you need to add it to your routine

Because if you don’t, you will keep mindlessly scrolling social media

To do this, we need to isolate your resources

Instead of going to tiktok or YouTube for resources..

You’re going to put all your resources in one place

Because if you stay on tiktok or YouTube..

You’ll get distracted by something within 5 minutes

Another YouTube short, another funny video etc.

This will keep happening

Because let’s face it, you can learn so much on social media..

But if you keep sacrificing education for entertainment..

You won’t be getting anywhere

These are instructions:

  1. Go to your documents on mobile or computer
  2. Create a folder called “My Learning Hub”
  3. Copy & Download all these resources
  4. Put all the resources inside this folder
  5. Switch off the internet
  6. Time yourself for 1 hour and 30 minutes
  7. Just start learning

Don’t leave the folder

Keep your phone far away from you

Close all internet tabs

Keep only this 1 folder open

If this process sounds too tiresome, feel free to use my Notion template here

This way your curriculum is stored online, and you don’t have to download anything

This method can be used for any kind of resource, and even entertainment

This time in your study, needs to be turned into a daily task, for your routine

To learn how to exploit psychology to create a routine without destructive habits, read my article on it here

Step 3 In The ISGCE Learning Framework — Gamify

3.1 Incentivized Performance

Nobody likes learning. This is a fact

Unless that learning is part of an enjoyable process

When it comes to this, video games can teach us a lot

They incentivise progress and learning, through reward

Ever played a video game? Then you should be catching on

When you complete a quest in a video game, there is usually a reward

When you break it down, human beings (and animals), will do more of something, if that something rewards them in some way

In many ways, this exploits their survival instinct

People work a 9–5 to survive, and they survive by being rewarded with money

When a child brings their parent a drawing, they are rewarded with affection

If an action is rewarded, the mind is incentivized to repeat it

This is why when you do something and people praise you..

It gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside

This is how human beings have been conditioned to behave a certain way

Children go through this in their upbringing

Businesses do this to keep their employees in check

Parents do this to teach their child important skills

This means you can do it too

But this time, it will be self imposed

So you will need a little bit of discipline to pull this off (but not much)

3.2 — Sources Of Reward

Now you know that you will want to do something more, if you are rewarded for it

But where do you find this reward?

Anything that increases dopamine in the blood stream, can be seen as a reward

Before I jump in the freezing cold water as part of my routine..

I imagine how it will feel when I take a nice hot shower in 8 minutes from then

This makes doing the difficult thing easier, because I have a reward waiting for me if I get it over with

Without thinking about it too much, I am being psychologically conditioned to learn a skill (cold temperature endurance), because of the hot shower

Sources of reward can include:


Hot showers

Delicious Food

A cold swim during warm weather

Exhilarating activities like bungee jumping


So here’s what you do:

Learn the skill using your custom curriculum, and reward yourself with something every time you finish your 1 hour and 30 minutes of studying (can be increased)

And the little bit of discipline this will take, is to stay away from the reward..

Until you’ve completed your study session

With enough tries, you will slowly start to realize something..

If you skip straight to the reward..

The “reward” does not make you as happy

This in itself, is psychological conditioning

You are teaching yourself to do something that might not be fun..

By incentivising progress, using greater reward

Step 4 In The ISGCE Learning Framework — Conditioning

4.1 — Negative Consequence

We have already talked about conditioning, but not negative reinforcement

If you DO NOT complete the study session, WITHOUT leaving the page or folder..

Then you do not get the reward

It works the same here → If you reward yourself without completing the task..

It will feel less rewarding as a result of psychological conditioning

This means no nice treat or reward if you don’t finish the session properly

Instead of reward, you receive negative consequences

Anything you perceive as a negative consequence, can be used to condition you, so you do not repeat failure

IMPORTANT → Some negative experiences can cause trauma

The result, is that your brain struggles to do that activity, or think about it at all

Negative consequences need to be low in volume and intensity

Meaning enough to make you regret an action, and want to do it differently next time..

But not so bad, that you fear anything related to it

There is such a thing as a negative consequence that is too severe

This is why soldiers suffer from PTSD

Their brain could not adapt to the negative consequence

Fear and psychological trauma is the result

Make it inconvenient, upsetting, or uncomfortable

4.2 — Repetition

And of course, to learn something you need to repeatedly commit to it

With enough time, you will learn how to become consistent

Instead of it being difficult to learn skills..

It will become second nature

By including this habit in your routine, you will learn skills every single day..

And be rewarded for it as a result

At the start, you will struggle

It will feel unnatural to do this activity

Just like starting to jog the first few weeks

But the more you do it, the more unnatural it will feel when you don’t

Until eventually.. You stop missing days

This is how you become consistent. This is how you become obsessed

Step 5 In The ISGCE Learning Framework — Experience

“There is no substitute for experience”

I’m sure you’ve heard this before → It’s a fact

Without practical experience, you will always be second rate

You will never be 100% sure if you can pull it off for real

This is another reason why modern education is outdated

Instead of making children experience things practically..

They force feed them theory WITHOUT reward

So once this daily task, has turned into a habit..

You need to start building up experience

Not only does this allow you to actually master the skill you want..

It also makes you an authority in that skill

This means you can sell a product or service related to it

Except for the outliers where you require a certificate to qualify

That’s it for the article, from me to you -> Cheers, Ian

This article was originally written on substack, check it outhere



Ian Pierre

Writer and Marketer of 3 years. Get weekly deep dives into business, personal development, and writing ->