How To Achieve Your Goals, Dreams, And Ideals — The 4 Levels of Education

Ian Pierre
9 min readJun 8, 2024


Why the idea of education is wrong, and how to approach it instead

Education is misunderstood

People equate education with degrees, certificates, regulation, governmental affirmation, and 9–5s

The reality is different, and deep down you know it as well

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

-Nelson Mandela

Old President Nelson Mandela’s words rain true, but they are based on false perception

Education is indeed the most powerful weapon you can possess, but only if its used properly

Education never had anything to do with a degree

What people don’t really realize, is schools, universities, and colleges are still businesses

They solve a problem, and in exchange for solving that problem they are compensated with money

But people aren’t going to universities to solve their problem..

99% of human beings think its the only solution there is (Its not)

Instead of looking for a good solution to their problem, societal indoctrination have made them believe there is no other solution..

Thereby making primary, secondary, and tertiary education the GOLDEN answer

This is a lie. Your perception of education is defined by countless generations of people doing the same thing, the same way, in a misguided direction

Can you survive without education? NO

Is education a fancy piece of paper they give you after spending a fortune and years of work on a degree?

Also NO

If you can understand what education really is, you can further your life to achieve your dreams, goals, and ideals

Luckily there’s a way to gain that understanding

You do that by understanding the 4 levels of education

Much like the levels of awareness in marketing, they are based on prior requirements

Only when certain requirements are met, can a certain level be reached

World views, perceptions, abilities, states of awareness etc.

These all affect your level of education

Education CAN change the world, but only if you know how to raise your level of education, and ultimately reach the highest level of education

  • It will give you the ability to do anything, and go anywhere in the world you want
  • It will give you the ability to build relationships with anyone you want
  • And it will give you all the knowledge you require to build an online business that provides you with the resources you need to achieve all your dreams and ideals

Let’s go over what’s inside the levels of education

Level 1 — The Less Fortunate Level of Education (Uneducated)

This is the lowest level of education. On this level, the person lacks education. They don’t understand, or have an entry level understanding of medicine, language, and mathematics

Typically, people of low socioeconomic circumstance are stuck on this level. They lack the funds to get a degree (which they don’t need), because to them that equates to building a sustainable future

This level, is the same level Nelson Mandela was born into, which is why he was so serious about that quote I mentioned earlier

As time progressed, degrees have become less and less important, and this in itself requires a certain level of education to understand

On this level, the person has no way to understand that.

The person on this level lacks resources to learn (or so they think), and this result in a constant state of helplessness

In teaching psychology there’s a phenomenon called “Perseverance”

Its where someone on this level, is able to overcome their circumstance through great effort, while others in the same circumstance, are making excuses and never make progress education wise

Unlike in the past, you don’t need to be one of these people to become educated

All you need to do to learn, is read, watch educational videos, and listen to podcasts

Pick the thing you want to learn, and start learning using those 3 methods

This how you reach the level of education you need, to make a sustainable income

No, you don’t need to get a degree to make money

There are endless opportunities on the internet to make a living, without having a degree. Things have changed

Its your job to use the methods previously mentioned, to make a sustainable income

Bottom-line, build a digital business using internet education, instead of spending a fortune and years of your life on university to get a degree, that does not guarantee a job

On average, a degree takes a fortune to pay for, and 5 years of study

I’ve been in digital marketing for 3 years

I’ve spoken to multimillionaires, I’ve made friends with owners of massive social media brands, I’ve done work with those brands, I’ve developed a client acquisition system that can bring in monthly clients and digital product sales

I did all of that, using the internet, and my phone

Right now, there are people out there making their clients millions of dollars, and giving the step by step breakdowns on how they did it, for 100% FREE (I’ve built up a folder with hundreds of these resources)

You are not going to find that in a business degree, or any degree for that matter

Your biggest weapon, is learning skills that are in high demand, and marketing those skills to people who own brands, agencies, and companies

That is the fastest route to solving your current situation, if you are in this level

I broke down how exactly how to start doing this in my article “The 3 Digital Career Paths That Can Replace Your 9–5 In 3–18 Months” here

Level 2 — Entry Level of Education (Educated)

Someone on this level has the funds to pay for an “education”, and as a result they are studying a degree, or already have a degree

The person on this level is under the false perception that they are in a better situation than someone on level 1 (they are not)

The job market is saturated. I have countless friends with degrees but no income, and those who do have an income, are being driven to work like slaves.

And even if you have a degree, an income, and you’re not being driven like a slave, most young people still live with their parents, because their job doesn’t pay enough

If you are on this level, you need to re-evaluate your current situation, and why you are where you are. It is possible to find a job that pays well and does not drive you like a slave, but they are in the minority (if you can even find a job)

A degree does not guarantee you a job, its the biggest lie the system has told you

By society’s standards being in this situation is a privilege, yet there are millions with a degree, but no job

The best thing to do in this situation, is to use the education you have, to make an income as best you can

Send out job applications until you find a job, consistently look for competitive salary opportunities, with a focus on a healthy work environment

Make your job a priority, but only to a certain extent

You need to use your job as a springboard (as I’ve mentioned 3x by now)

Amass capital using your 9–5 salary, to fund a digital business

In fact, I can tell you from personal experience, that if you pay the right person $2000, you can change your life in as fast at 60 days

JK Molina — Runs a coaching, consultation, and mentorship program, changing his clients lives

Was head of marketing for a software called Tweethunter, then sold his share in the company valued at $1.4 million, at age 22–23

From a VA making $600/mo, on route to making $100,000/mo (profit not revenue)

If you want to join his program, follow him on X, and contact him to work with him directly → I can 100% attest that he will change your life financially

Follow him on X here

Wiz of Ecom — Owns 2 companies that bring in millions of dollars for their clients, and he’s not even 30 yet.

1 is the largest and most cost effective business education community on the internet (What the real world should be), and company number 2 is a organization that turns a social media brands with a few thousand followers, into brands that close thousands of dollars in clients every month → Paying this guy, will change your life

If you want to work with him directly, follow him on X here

Level 3 — Being Too Qualified (Overeducated)

When it comes to the current education system, there’s a problem most graduates don’t experience. Spending TOO MUCH time and money on the qualification

What they are left with is being too qualified for a job

When a company gets their resume, they realize this person will feel they are entitled to a certain salary because of their qualification, without having any work experience

The people on this level think that their higher level of qualification means they are guaranteed a high paying job → This is, again, a delusion

In fact, having a higher level qualification makes it even harder to hire you, because you are TOO qualified

The people who decide to go higher than a degree, usually possess the ability to study hard, but they often don’t know what its like to work in a 9–5

This makes them good at studying, but without practical experience, their qualification leaves them in a worse place than people who are on level 2

Now if you studied further, you might be able to become a lecturer (who barely make anything), or you can be a researcher

Neither of which are high paying occupations

And that’s not even keeping into account the fortune you need to pay, and the 7+ years of your life you need to dedicate to your studies

Who will be funding all your studies if you keep getting older?

What happens if you fail? The system, as I’ve made clear many times, is flawed

If you are on this level, it means you know a lot, but it could also mean you barely have time to manage personal relationships, and with all your time being dedicated to your studies, you lose years of your life chasing a dream or goal that might never be reached

People on this level are good at one thing → Learning

If you are on this level of education, your goal should not be to keep studying..

But take a break, or momentarily stop your studies, get a job, and go build your digital business while you work your 9–5

If you are serious about furthering your qualification, then you can do that later in life (nothing is stopping you)

In fact, as previously discussed, studying more would only be detrimental to your mental and financial wellbeing

Level 4 — Understanding What Education Truly Is (Educator)

Someone on this level is already on the Elevated level of success

I discuss how levels of success work in my article, “Ian’s Hierarchy of Success”, here

This person has reached the understanding that education is not the GOLDEN ANSWER to their problems..

But functions as a tool to reach their ideals

They have no superiority complex or perception of reality due to their qualification..

Because they understand that their qualification is just part of a system that was outdated a long time ago

Who do you work for when you want a job? A business

Who makes more money, you or your boss? Obviously your boss

Who provides you with all the resources you need to live? Your boss

You have been programmed to think a certain way

You have been programmed to want certain things

And you have been programmed think “education” = a degree


To reach this level, you need to throw away your preconceived ideas of life, and deprogram your mind, so you can look objectively at your current reality

I teach you how to do that here

Education is a tool that is easier to make use of, than it has ever been since the dawn of humanity, due to the internet

Every boss you have started somewhere, building a business, and now makes probably 3x what you make

But you don’t have to do what he or she’s doing anymore

You can build a social media brand and sell products + services to your followers, while sitting in your Pajamas

The process of using education to reach financial fulfilment, and achieve your dreams, has never been easier than it is today

And the person on this level, understands that

I don’t expect you to suddenly understand everything in this article (you won’t)

Read it, read it again, and reread it repeatedly

Do that, until you understand how to use education to not only have dreams, but ACTUALLY achieve them

This article was originally written on substack, you can read it here



Ian Pierre

Writer and Marketer of 3 years. Get weekly deep dives into business, personal development, and writing ->